Thursday, January 14, 2010

Why the Name?

If you read this, you may wonder why I'm an "unseen academic". There are a few reasons. Notably, I work in a basement laboratory, in the corner. I have an office with a beautiful view and a window that opens. Why don't I work there, you ask? It's a long story. So physically, I'm not seen very often. Actually, I really, really like this for when I need quiet time.

However, the real reason is an homage (oddly timed) to Terry Pratchett's Unseen University, the premier institute of higher learning on Discworld. OK, fair enough, it's comic fantasy, so we're not talking Shakespeare or Joyce or (thankfully) Proust. Madeleines, indeed. No, we're talking about an eccentric, eclectic world at the center of which (well, not center, not really) is a university of magic.

If you know Pratchett, then you might care to know that I often see myself as Rincewind, but really, others see me as Ponder Stibbons.

I have yet to read Unseen Academicals, but I have it in my possession, and will read it shortly.

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