Fellow Nabooans,
In the last few years, we have seen the image of a strong Naboo undermined by repeated mistakes on the part of the global government. A severe lack of leadership has led to chaos, invasion, and stalled growth, and this has affected all of us. We need new leadership focused on progress, removing government intervention in growth, and a strong military to defend us in a republic that constantly grows more complacent. It is for this reason that I feel compelled to offer myself as a candidate for the Queen of Naboo.
The tragic events of the Trade Federation Invasion shocked and saddened us all. As the robotic TF Army swarmed our beautiful planet, murdered our citizens, and destroyed our economy, we could do little but sit and watch. Why was that?
First, Queen Amidala and her predecessors made repeated cuts to our military. Using the argument that we are a peaceful planet (and we are), they shrank the size of our military until we could no longer protect ourselves. When the TF invaded, the Queen fled for Coruscant, leaving the planet without any leadership resistance; the dozen or so fighter craft used not to defend us, but to allow the Queen to traipse across the galaxy. There are reports that before arriving at Coruscant, the queen enjoyed a multi-day holiday (at taxpayer expense) to watch podracing on Tatooine, and even bet her (or rather, our) royal spacecraft on a race, and purchased a slave boy. The Queen has refused to comment on these reports, citing planetary security, but I feel that the public deserves to know the truth about these so-called "lost days".
On Coruscant, the Queen spent days bickering in the Senate of the Republic about the legality of the TF blockade and invasion. While they may not have been legal, the blockade and invasion were facts. Wishing them away with legal maneuvers could not change reality, and even if the Republic had declared them illegal, what military force could they possibly offer?
The only workable solution, the Queen found, was right under her nose. She organized the Gungans to fight off the invaders, it's true, but why couldn't she have done that when the TF invaded? What incentive did she offer the Gungans? She claimed that she inspired them with respect and planetary spirit, but those fish-grubbing folk do not understand and cannot appreciate our way of life.
After this tragedy unfolded, I worked hard to prevent it from happening again. I believed (apparently foolishly) that the reality of the invasion would show our government the need for a strong planetary defense and other changes to our world, but I saw no such change, and from my position in private industry, I could not make the government appreciate their error. As such, I feel that to make these changes I must be elected Queen of Naboo.
I pledge that when elected, I will bring about the following platform:
Containing the Gungan Threat
The Gungans did not help defeat the TF Army out of the goodness of their hearts, they simply used the opportunity to insinuate themselves into the lives of true Nabooans. Their culture is a wastel's culture, splashing about underwater while the planet was invaded. Now they are the only trained military force on the planet, and as soon as we stop appeasing their every request, they will surely take over. We must roust the Gungans from our cities, from our waterways, and especially from Gunga City. I promise to build containment facilities that will allow the Gungans the ability to live out their lives with dignity (which they do not deserve, but which we true Nabooans could not deny living creatures).
Establish a Nabooan-Led, Gungan-Staffed Army
The invasion showed us that the need for a standing army is not in the past. However, as evolved people, we true Nabooans are not suitable for common military duty, while the typical Gungan is. He is strong, tall, and eminently leadable. As a return for the generosity of our containment facilities, young male Gungans will be required to serve in our military, and their continued obeisance will be ensured by our continued commitment to care for their friends and family. Of course, the Gungans cannot serve as officers, as that requires intellect and maturity they do not possess. Some Nabooans will need to take leadership roles in the army to serve as leaders for the Gungans.
A New Naboo Air Force
The paltry number of fighter craft we were able to field during the TF invasion had no ability to repel, and during the final revolt, most of our brave pilots were lost. Part of this was due to inadequate training, again promoted by our Queen. I have evidence that one pilot was not even ten years old! We clearly need a new Air Force, and with that Air Force we need new fighters with the latest in stealth technology, weapons, and hyperdrive. Yes, costs of the proposed new fighter have gone up, but the cost of not being prepared for invasion will always be higher.
Mine Here, Mine Now
Even had they not invaded, the TF blockade would have brought our planet to its knees very quickly. Why? We are dependent on foreign planet imports of dilithium crystals for our power needs. Dilithium power made Naboo strong, but now our government has nearly stopped all domestic dilithium mining in the name of unproven, so-called "environmental" issues. We need not be dependent; there are vast deposits of dilithium in the Lake District and under Gunga City, and we need to mine both of these areas. This activity will spur our lagging economy and make Naboo great once more.
Our Queen has failed us. Our former Senator and now Chancellor, Palpatine, has said we should turn to a Republic military, but he has not even proposed where this military will come from, and even if he could produce that military, it would be in the hands of the Republic, not of Naboo. We could only hope that our priorities are their priorities. With me as Queen, Naboo will once again take charge of its destiny.
A Vote for Queen Joshua is a Vote for a Strong, Prosperous Naboo!
Saturday, May 26, 2012
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